Event Series America’s Boating Course

America’s Boating Course

St. Croix Yacht Club 6435 St. Croix Trail No., Stillwater, MN, United States

This class takes place on 5 consecutive Wednesdays beginning January 22 - both at the Bayport Marina Clubhouse and online via GoToMeeting. (link to be published weekly)Dates:January 22, 2025January 29, […]


ExecComm Meeting


Monthly organizational meeting; all members welcome to attend.

March Member Meeting

Bayport Marina Clubhouse 200 Fifth Avenue South, Bayport, MN

Potluck Supper***Speaker Ken Farrell***Join fellow St. Paul Squadron members as we begin to emerge from winter and start thinking about boating again.Bring a dish to share to the Bayport Marina Clubhouse on Saturday, March 15, and prepare to hear the tales of a veteran mariner.Former member Tim Farrell and his wife spent several years boating […]