Event Series America’s Boating Course

America’s Boating Course

St. Croix Yacht Club 6435 St. Croix Trail No., Stillwater, MN, United States

This class takes place on 5 consecutive Wednesdays beginning January 22 - both at the Bayport Marina Clubhouse and online via GoToMeeting. (link to be published weekly)Dates:January 22, 2025January 29, […]


March Member Meeting

Bayport Marina Clubhouse 200 Fifth Avenue South, Bayport, MN

Potluck Supper***Speaker Ken Farrell***Join fellow St. Paul Squadron members as we begin to emerge from winter and start thinking about boating again.Bring a dish to share to the Bayport Marina Clubhouse on Saturday, March 15, and prepare to hear the tales of a veteran mariner.Former member Tim Farrell and his wife spent several years boating […]

District 10 Spring Conference

The Metropolis Resort 5150 Fairview Drive, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

SAVE the DATE!The District 10 Spring Conference will be held at the Metropolitan Resort in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.Details should be available soon on the District 10 website.