Scheduled Public Classes and Seminars

Knowledge + Skills = Confidence

America's Boating Course

Materials Fee: $35.00
Dates: Saturdays, April 12 and 19, 2025 (2 sessions)
Time: 8:30 to 5:00
Location: Bayport Marina Clubhouse (200 5th Ave So, Bayport) or Online via your computer

Become a safer, more confident boater!

America’s Boating Course is the most comprehensive, single source, in-person boating course available to provide both new and experienced boaters the skills needed to safely enjoy time on the water.  Topics include: rules of the road; required safety equipment; navigation aids, lights and sounds; anchoring; communications; adverse conditions; water sports and personal watercraft safety; trailering; local and federal laws; and  knots & lines. This course is perfect if you are a new boat owner or just want to freshen up your knowledge.  Local information,  discussion with other boaters, and ample time for questions expand on the course curriculum to broaden students' boating knowledge.

This course is recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard and approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators.  It meets all Minnesota and Wisconsin requirements for obtaining boating license and operator certification.  Instructors are NASBLA-certified and members of the local St. Paul Sail and Power Squadron.

This course is considered the first step in joining America's Boating Club.  If you know of people considering membership, please refer them to this course, and this website.

We strongly recommend taking this class in person to maximize your investment of time and resources. However, it will be available online as well. The link will be published weekly to registered participants.
We strongly recommend taking this class in person to maximize your investment of time and resources. However, it will be available online as well. The link will be published weekly to registered participants.
NOTE:  The test required for NASBLA certification must be taken in person - Saturday afternoon, April 19.


boat handling

Boat Handling Class (Formerly Seamanship)

Materials Fee: $75.00 (members), $150.00 (non-members)
Dates: Wednesdays, March 19 through April 30, 2025 (7 weeks)
Time: 7:00 to 9:00
Location: Bayport Marina Clubhouse (200 5th Ave So, Bayport) or Online via your computer

Boat Handling
, which replaces Seamanship, is the next course to take if you’ve already taken an introductory boating class such as America’s Boating Course.  The class is conducted in six sessions:
* Rules of the Road
* Confidence in Docking
* Handling Your Boat Underway
* Anchoring with Assurance
* Knots and Line Handling

* Emergencies on Board

The seventh week (April 30), there will be a written test.  Members who complete the course and pass the test will be granted the advanced grade of "Seaman."

We strongly recommend taking this class in person to maximize your investment of time and resources. However, it will be available online as well. The link will be published weekly to registered participants.

NOTE:  The test required to certify course completion must be taken in person on April 30.

For more information, please contact the St. Paul Squadron Education Officer:

Members:  Please register on the Member Classes page.

boat handling

Boat Handling Seminar Series

Materials Fee: $0.00 (members), $25.00 per seminar (non-members)
Dates: Wednesdays, March 19 through April 23, 2025
Time: 7:00 to 9:00
Location: Bayport Marina Clubhouse (200 5th Ave So, Bayport) or Online via your computer

The Boat Handling Seminar Series
includes topics to enhance your boating skills in specific areas.  There are six seminars to choose from:

March 19 - Rules of the Road
As the skipper or designated crew member - you are responsible to know the rules that apply anywhere you boat.  Navigational rules of the road help you know what to do when you share the water with other boats, how to recognize and signal intentions, and how to avoid a collision.  Learn the basic rules encountered by recreational boaters during almost every boating outing and the rules most likely to apply in the local waters where you boat.  Learn skipper responsibilities, general rules, and definitions, rules to avoid a collision, lights and shapes, and sound and light signals.  Avoid collisions and other hazards! Know the rules of the road.

March 26 - Confidence in Docking & Undocking / Slow-Speed Maneuvering
Learn how to control your boat at slow speed in close proximity to other boats and fixed objects.  Learn how to approach the dock in a variety of conditions and safely secure your boat. Learn how to depart the dock in any situation. Understand the use of spring lines, how to safely fend off, and other techniques. Protect your boat, your passengers, and yourself with the docking/undocking skills you need.

April 2 - Handling Your Boat Underway
Learn about basic operations; trimming your boat; operating on plane; handling seas and waves; dealing with bars, rivers, rivers, and bends; and other situations you will encounter along your cruise.  Understand the issues that the environment will present and how to react in a timely manner.  Gain confidence, knowledge, and skills that you need for a variety of boat-handling situations.

April 9 - Anchoring with Assurance
Learn the skills and knowledge of securing your vessel to the bottom through the use of a line, chain, and one or more anchors.  Know how to anchor in a variety of situations, weather, or seabed and be prepared to adjust for changing conditions.

April 16 - Knots and Line Handling
Learn how to secure your boat to docks, piers, and other boats; handle rescue and repair situations; manage running rigging; anchor securely; and tow other vessels or people.  Learn which lines and knots to use in each situation.  Gain knowledge and hands-on experience selecting the appropriate line and tying the 10 most useful knots, bends, and hitches. Learn how to care for the lines on your boat and on the dock.  Be sure you can securely attach your boat!

April 23 - Emergencies on Board
This seminar will prepare you to handle common emergencies that can happen when you are on your boat and away from the dock.  Learn how to deal with them as they occur and especially when the skipper is unable to respond.  Be prepared for a variety of boating mishaps, medical emergencies, and other crises!

NOTE:  If you are interesting in taking all six seminars, we recommend you register for the Boat Handling Class (see above).  Your will receive a student handbook and be eligible to receive course completion certification upon passing a written test on Wednesday, April 30.

For more information, please contact the St. Paul Squadron Education Officer:

Members:  Please register on the Member Classes page.